Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hiking with the Family

Had a fun time today hanging out with the family!  I hoped in the truck and waited for this handsome fellow, and waited, then waited some more.  After a few minutes he emerged from the house with three of these hot dog sandwiches in one hand. He downed one before getting in the truck.  I was laughing so hard.  I think hot dogs must bring back some special memories for him because he loves em.  We hit the road and met my family at my brothers then with two nieces and a nephew we cruised up the canyon for last minute, late season family hike.
Gotta love a guy who can fend for himself!

Macey checking out one of the caves

My brother helping out his wife who hurt her knee a few days before.
Dave said every time they would get to a drop off this little guy would throw his feet up in the air-total trust wanting to get thrown up in the air.

First snowball fight of the season

Who was the genius who forgot her shoes?  I was glad at least I remembered my socks.  All I have to say is that 100% wool is awesome and as long as I kept moving it wasn't so bad.  Caleb and I did run the last ten minutes though.  I felt like I had bricks for feet at that point.

The kids were getting cold feet and tired, so Uncle Dave came up with a great solution.  He packed them like these for about a mile.  It's a good thing she's staying hydrated during the hike!
Then she tried going forwards

Then he tried out the back seat.

Due to obvious reasons he wasn't comfortable in this position for too long, that's when we hit the road and started running.

He was snoring so loud, love how he still has his sunglasses on, those things didn't cover his eyes once.

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