Monday, November 4, 2013

Devil's Race Track - Four Wheeling

This last weekend, we ended up going down to the San Rafael area for the day.  It was kind of a last minute decision and after Dave got his new four wheeler tire on that was ruined on hole in the rock we left town around 11 in the morning.  After 2 hours of driving we were started.  The trail was great, lots of cruising areas with some fun rocky obstacles.  We passed a few groups who told us we would be finishing late.  One couple in a razor that was rocking country music was pretty cool.  She wasn't wearing a bra and was a white version of tina turner, seriously her hair cut was identical to the singer!  She was pretty adamant that we needed to turn around and go check out slipper arch and call it a day, even saying she had done the trail before and would never do it again.  We decided to keep going and try to do the whole 50 mile loop anyways. 

The ride went great and we were about 20 miles from the truck when I stopped for a bathroom break and Dave kept going.  I didn't think I was too far behind but when I topped out on top of a mesa and could see no lights anywhere and had a few options on which way to go.  I cruised around getting more nervous by the minute and backtracking here and there.  Another hour went by and luckily I made it back to an area where I know we had been on the way in.  I then went down three different roads that were all the same with no luck.  I then started flashing empty and decided I better stay where I thought I knew I was in case I ran out.  I waited about an hour and then could see a little light off in the distance and  eventually Dave showed up in the truck.  I cannot say how relieved I was.  I had no idea where he was or if he was still out searching for me.  He got out of the truck and gave me a big hug and I told him that I had never been happier to see him!  He'd already called my dad, his two brothers and was getting ready to head back into town for more gas for his empty four wheeler and to keep riding into the night. 

Long story short, great trail, loved it, next time I will know for sure which way to go.  In the meantime I will be working on my sense of direction skills!

Slipper Arch

Just relaxing with his tunes, we were lucky to get pandora way out here in the middle of nowhere.
This is how we decompress around here....Ha, Ha, quite a few of his socks are looking the same as these here, one of these days we'll replace the ones he's had since college.  My mom must have been inspired because when she came back from Costco this last weekend she treated him to some new dress socks, thanks mom!

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