Monday, October 28, 2013

Making a Trailer and hanging out

Had fun hanging out at my parents house the other day while all the guys worked on building a toy hauler my dad has been dreaming up.  They were also getting their jeeps ready for some rides this fall.  We don't get to see a whole lot of Mike so I think the guys were loving all the welding help he gave throughout the day complete with showing up with his awesome welding truck!   We had some friends show up later on that Dave roomed with in college and roasted hot dogs at the fire pit at the end of the day along with their super cute four daughters.
Someone is showing off her fake nails. They were all pulled off by her an hour later, I did  not hesitate to tell her how they are a bacteria breeding ground and how no nurse in the hospital is allowed to have them.  The fun stuff you learn when you work as a nurse.
Dave working on a project he's pretty excited about

Dad and bro trying to figure out how to fix my dad's jeep so he can go jeeping and break it again
No problem if his little four wheeler isn't running, he just jumps on Grandpa's, he's always trying to conceive of some way to get someone to buy more gas for him.  He's usually successful.

Awful picture quality, but cute mom that made some sandwiches for the guys and was delivering while they kept working.

This little guy thinks he's pretty big stuff for a five year old!

Her standards on food are fairly low

"In your face, aunt Michelle!"
Seriously, this girl will eat anything : )  Ooohh I love her!- and her cute mama.

1 comment:

suelyn w said...

You don't even want to know what all she has eaten! Oh the life of a toddler..