Friday, May 9, 2014

Hiking Jones Hole with kids

Such a fun afternoon.  We headed up to Jones Hole to check out the fish hatchery and try to get some keys out of my sister's locked car.  Turns out two really nice park rangers helped us out.  Crisis averted.....I don't think Sue was looking forward to calling Steve to tell him to drive the 70 miles with the extra set of keys.  The kids loved the hike especially Macey and Bry, they ran ahead of everyone the whole time, exploring on their own and dipping their toes in the waterfall.  It would have been another mile to the river and we thought that would be a goal for next time because it was getting a little late.  We loved it though, it was beautiful and was fun to see fishermen along the way including one cute family with mom and dad fishing with their little girl.  Next time we will pack a lunch and hang out for the day!

I am pretty much addicted to this little girl.  She is so easy going and sweet!

We haven't even started and she's already tired.  Note to time bring more treats and water.
Cowboy is loving the stache these days.  He asked Sue if she would draw one on for him, because he wanted to "look like a man."  He then connected the two when she was done saying, "that's how it's supposed to look mom."  He's too funny!

She thought this fleece jacket was a blankie and snuggled it along the way, she loves these hikes and is just along for the ride.   My sister finally got an iphone.  I am holding out to be the last in the family probably.
Cousins and best friends!

Bry has such an adventurous spirit.

Next time we'll bring water shoes

Macey moved out of my mom's house this last week and called a few days later worried that she couldn't see any lights on.  They live south of my parents property across the field now in their new house.  I thought it was cute her and Caleb were so worried about grandma's whereabouts.  I think she was at a scout meeting or something.  Mom said Macey turned the lights on and off to say goodnight and my mom did the same with the back porch lights.  I think the kids have had a little withdrawal from living at grandma and grandpa's.

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