Sunday, May 18, 2014

Family Easter Four Wheeling and Blanding trip, last one for the year.

We recently went to Moab to go four wheeling with my family over Easter weekend.  Driving around I was feeling a little nostalgic about all the great memories we've had in this part of Utah.  The next week we went down to Blanding and spent time with his parents before our big move to Alaska and on the way home, I had him pull over to get some pictures of the La Sal mountains.  I am going to miss all the beautiful red rock and scenery this part of Utah has to offer.  The last picture is one of a big boy toy in our campground over Easter all the guys were salivating over. 
The trip was great, it was jeep safari, so the rides were all packed with slow moving jeeps.  We had a great day riding Hey Joe Canyon, which was incredibly dusty.  We then went and did determination towers finishing towards dark.  The next day we did Fins and Things and Hell's revenge.  I was pretty scared to do the last one, but it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be on a four wheeler.  Loved hanging out with the family and was surprised when my brother Jason produced an ultrasound picture of a little boy.  His wife is expecting their third in October.  I have to admit after finding out I cried for awhile in the truck up to the trail we were going to ride.  It made me realize we really are going to miss so much with family by leaving Utah.  I am already realizing just how much I have taken having my family close for granted, but realize moving to Alaska is an opportunity we would be stupid to pass up. 

1 comment:

Gayle said...

It's really ok to cry. You love your family and yes you will miss them in Alaska. But you and Dave will also have great adventures in Alaska. It will be growing experience for the both of you.