Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas was so fun this year.  We were all able to get together and just hang out, eat some good food and enjoy each others company.  I love my family so much.  I love that we are growing and seeing all the grandkids play together is really entertaining!  My dad surprised us the day before with a new razor he had driven almost to Idaho for.  It's a four seater and will be a ton of fun in the years to come.  He took my niece for a ride and afterwards asked her if she knew why he had bought it and when she said no, he replied with, "Because I love you!"   He came in the house and said, "Well I figure you can't take it with you."   We went for a ride with Jason and Caleb was in the back while we were spinning donuts yelling, "Stop Jason, you're freakin me out."  I'm sure it won't be long until he gets used to it. 

This little girl is constantly smiling we are so in love with her and her dimples!
A little sad, but still cute.

Beautiful Mary

Grandpa spent a lot of time making these cardboard cutouts of the nativity and afterwards said it was like thanksgiving dinner where you spend all day cooking and it's gone in ten minutes.   He is super talented and artistic.

I love this, this little girls number one goal this Christmas was to make sure not to drop any body fat.  After the nativity was over, she helped herself to some dried apircots.
Grandma called this a Christmas magic show where they were instantly able to grow beards, they couldn't stop giggling!


Christmas morning came and we headed over to my parents, someone got a karaoke machine and was singing the same song over and over.  We had my brother-in-laws famous biscuits and gravy, then opened more gifts and hung out all day, visited Grandpa and Grandma, played with toys and watched a movie.  I was called into work that night but was glad I was able to be home most of the day!

Someone got a pedicure set for Christmas, she could hardly wait to try it out, very relaxing I must say.  Little brother had one too.  Afterwards she had me give her a foot rub with lotion because she was so exhausted from all the work.
 Macey loves her two nephews and any little kid for that matter.  She informed us the other day that, "babysitting is my favorite hobby!"


Tiffany McPherson said...

I always love to read your Blog Michelle :) I'm a lurker here often :) Sure miss you guys - wish we could have seen you for the holidays.....hopefully sometime soon though. Love you!

Gayle said...

The cardboard cutouts were pretty awesome. Glad you were able to spend of the day with the family before getting called into work.